ELICOS Course Management Policy and Procedure (National Code Std 10)

It is an FIC enrolment condition for ELICOS students to maintain satisfactory course progress. FIC implements a criteria/ monitoring system for identifying ELICOS studnets who are at risk of not maintaining satisfactory course progress.

ELICOS students are not reported to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) for failing to achieve satisfactory course progress.

ELICOS and VET students identified as ‘at risk’ and ‘at high risk’ of not achieving satisfactory course progress will be placed on an intervention strategy to help them achieve satisfactory course progress.

FIC monitors all student course progress and provides assistance if the student is experiencing difficulties and not progressing through their course as per the course schedule.

Access to academic, personal/ welfare and English language supports services is provided to assist students to maintain satisfactory course progress. Flinders International College may refer students to external sources if they are unable to sufficiently provide support for students learning/ personal needs.

Please refer to the ELICOS course management policy and procedure. A copy of the policy can be accessed by contacting the college at info@flinderscollege.edu.au.